Double Pieces Semiauto Carton Stitcher for Large Size Carton Stitching

Double Pieces Semiauto Carton Stitcher for Large Size Carton Stitching

In packing industry, most popular size carton is for common goods. But there is also some products need a large size carton for packing, like fridge, motorbike, furniture, etc. These products can not be disassembled, and they are in large size, also all of them are in high price, then an exquisite and highly protective packing is essential for them, the corrugated cartons have the performance what can meet the request of these products packing.

Double carton sheet stitching together

The large carton size is bigger than the normal carton stitcher maximum working size, so we have a model carton stitcher special for large size carton stitching. This machine with two working position, it can allow two workers to work together. Also this machine has two stitching head, because two carton sheet has two edges need to be sealed.

When we work, two workers sit at the two working position separately, the carton is combined by two pieces of carton sheet, then one worker take one sheet, folding and put the carton sheet on the stitching head. Then the carton stitcher will feed the carton sheets and stitching. The stitching distance, quantity, type are all pre set in PLC, then it can make sure a high precision of stitching. Two stitching head will stitching two edge of the carton at same time, the workers’ job is just fold the carton sheet and put it on the stitching head of the corrugated carton stitcher.

Carton stitcher is the machine for final process of carton making

The final process of carton making is seal the carton. There are two ways to seal cartons in the market. One is glue sealing, one is stitching sealing. The carton stitcher is just for sealing cartons by stitching. The stitching type has single stitching, it mean one line only one nail, it is for some small and light weight product packing. The other type is double stitching, it means there are 2 nails in one line. It is stronger than single stitching, and it is for a little heavier products packing. Also we can adjust the strength of the carton sealing by the stitching distance.

The carton stitcher for large size carton stitching has same stitching type as the normal model carton stitcher. They have same function is just the final process of carton making, to seal the cartons by stitching nails on carton edges.