Pre Heater

Pre-heater is the main carton machine of corrugated carton production line produce the corrugated paperboard.Single preheating cylinder for pre heatting the surface paper and core paper for single facer.

Multiple preheater used for printing the single face cardbaoard from each single facer and surface paper for multiply corrugated paperboard.

Paper through preheater proper moisture content.

Single hot cylinder for single face corrugator lines and three, five, seven corrugated cardboard production line.

Multiple hot cylinder, mainly in three, five, seven corrugated cardboard production line use.

Carton machine use and operation

Preparation before startup

  1. Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the whole machine and remove sundries at all working positions.
  2. Check whether all adjustments are in place, and manually rotate all operating parts to observe whether they rotate flexibly.
  3. Fill all lubricating points with oil.

Startup operation

  1. Empty car operation and adjustment.
  2. Formal production operation.