Single Layer Pre Heating Cylinder in Corrugated Cardboard Production Line
- The single layer pre heating cylinder is essential for all model of corrugated paperboard production line
Pre heater Function
In each corrugated cardboard production line, we can see difference quantity of pre heater, then what is the pre heater for? In fact, the pre heater place an important role for corrugated cardboard quality control. Normally, near the single afcer there is an pre heater, and after the conveyor bridge and before the gluing machine there is a multi layer pre heater. We can see, just before the wet part of the corrugated cardboard production line, there will be an pre heater, then we can know that, the pre heater for heating the paper and adjust the moisture of paper to be suit to making corrugated cardboard. Before the paper go into the single facer, it will be heated by the pre heater, because it will be glued in the single facer, before the paper and single face corrugated cardboard go into the gluing machine, the pre heater will heating the papers because the papers will be glued in gluing machine, so the pre heater is for make sure the pape and gluing to be combined well then it can make sure the quality of corrugated cardboard production.
Type of pre heater
About the pre heater, normally, its type is classified by how many layer of corrugated cardboard do you want to produce? For example, for 2 layer corrugated cardboard production line, it only need single layer pre heater, for 3 layer corrugated cardboard production line, we need both single layer pre heater and double layer pre heater, because we produce 3 layer corrugated cardboard, it is combined paper and 2 layer corrugated cardboard, then need double layer pre heater to heating the paper and 2 layer cardboard. And so on, 5 layer corrugator line need single layer pre heater and triple layer pre heater, 7 layer production line need single layer pre heater and fourfold layer pre heater.
Also the single layer pre heater can be classified in 2 types as per its installation method. Most of the single pre heating cylinder are installed on floor, we call them ground heating cylinder, also some single layer pre heating cylinder are hanging on the conveyor bridge for save the install space of the corrugated paperboard production line, we call them hanging heating cylinder.
Model of pre heater
For difference speed corrugated paperboard production line, we also have difference model pre heater to match them, just bigger diameter cylinder works in high speed production line, small diameter cylinder for low speed production line.
Sure we also have some models with difference control system. The normal pre heater are passive rotation, but we also have higher class of pre heater which can active rotation.