Semiauto Carton Stitcher Working in High Speed with Logistic System

Semiauto Carton Stitcher Working in High Speed with Logistic System

Semiatuo carton stitcher is more advanced than the manual carton stitcher. It has a system to guarantee the quality of cartons.

Compare semiauto carton stitcher and manual carton stitcher.

  • Manual carton stithcer
    • It looks like a stapler, need a people keeps the cartons, and put the edge of carton on the stitching head, then step on the pedal of the stitcher, then it finish one stitching. Then the worker find a new position on the edge of the carton, operate the machine again to finish the second stitching. It means for stitching one carton, the worker need to control the distance between nails and find the stitching position manually, it will take long time for producing, and need many workers to do the job.
  • Semiauto carton stitcher
    • It looks like the semiauto carton folder gluer, they have similar appearance because they have similar function ,they are all for sealing the carton, just the sealing method is difference. When we operate this machine, it is much simple. We put the dozens of corrugated cardboard on the operation table of the machine, just only need one worker to fold the carton firstly, and then put the carton on the stitching head. The stitcher will feed and stitching the carton automatically. We set the nail distance and size of the carton, then the carton stitcher can finish all work as per the setting datas. The running speed is much higher, and the stitching position and distance is controlled by PLC, it can ensure the quality of cartons.

Carton stitcher work with logistic system

For high efficiency, some carton factory buy many sets of semiauto carton stitcher and equip the logistic system with the carton stitchers. The semiauto carton stitcher is insalled in line, behind them is the logistic system, workers stand in front of the carton stitcher to feed the cartons, then the cartons pass the carton stitcher and come to the logistic system to bale and strapping together.

Semiauto Carton Stitcher Working in High Speed with Logistic System